The hardest passive incomes to be successful in

The hardest passive incomes to be successful in

In todays blog I'm going to cover a topic I never seen get covered when passive income gets brought up and discussed. Considering passive income is what this blog is all about I thought I would cover some passive income streams that are a little harder in terms of being successful in and to start generating money from. Now this doesn't mean these aren't good passive income streams to work on and go after but they require more work for it to be successful or require some sort of skill or trait. I will cover all the reasons for the reason why these passive income streams are the hardest. There are many reasons and they all vary based on the passive income. So make sure you read through all of this blog post so that you can learn every reason why these take more to be successful in. So lets now get into the blog post and get to learning.    

Affiliate marketing

Lets start with the hardest one that I personally believe is the most difficult and the one I'm sure most will agree with. Affiliate marketing is probably the one that consumes the majority of your time if it's your main passive income stream. Now you can still do pretty well for yourself through affiliate marketing if you have some sort of platform to advertise on an a engaging audience. But even then you have to have a big or at least medium size following as a content creator or even social media influencer. That's the easiest it gets because if you don't have a content creation platform to offer services related to what you create content about or around then it's going to be hard to have a audience you can target. If your just using your personal account on Instagram to advertise you can expect not a lot of traffic or sign ups or whatever it is you need to get rewarded and paid. The reason for that is because you don't have a targetable audience to get enough traffic to get paid well. You might get one or two if you have a big personal account following but the engagement rate isn't going to be high or at levels you need it to be.

If you don't have a targetable audience then that means most of the time your going to have to either advertise with paid ads, refer through friends and family or your going have to network with people. Most of the time referring through friends and family never works out. Paying for ads isn't the best method either because you don't know if it's actually going to work and the fact you have to pay for it. Finally networking takes time to as you have to connect with people and sell them on the product or service you advertising. Most of the time to network you have to have connections or a big audience or following. All of these take time and work to happen so if you plan on making affiliate marketing you very first passive income stream or one of you starting ones then I highly recommend you reconsider that option. As I personally believe this is one of the hardest ones to start off with as a beginner.         


Now this one might not be as hard as affiliate marketing as your not offering someone's else product or service. But it is still up there with it and the reason for that is because you need to have a big platform following or lots of website traffic. Or you need to be really well connected through networking. You also need to be some what experience in the freelancing services your offering. As no one just wants to higher some one with no expertise as they mine as well do it them self. You also need to make sure as a freelancer that you are offering competitive prices and services. As a freelancer you need to be competitive as that's how you out do others and get good reviews and a recurring customer base. As a freelancer you need all of these because you won't be having steady work like you would working for someone else or some company. As a beginner as well your going to have to put in the extra work to get traffic such as networking or advertising through social media which is just extra work on top of freelancing.      

Online shop

Now as a beginner this might be the hardest one next to affiliate marketing to get started with as a beginner. Now depending on the type of online shop you have you'll have varying success. If it's through something like Instagram or some other social media platform then it might be easier then usual. However if you go the usual route then your probably starting a website and getting consistent website traffic is hard. So most of the time your gonna have to start a social media account for your online shop to help bring traffic into your shop and bring awareness to your brand. This is the most successful way to build up consistent traffic as a beginner. It also smart to start a blog or YouTube channel around your shop as it'll help bring information on your products and services to your following and customers. Besides all that building a online shop is exactly like building a business so you have to have a businessman mindset in order to succeed. So that means you have to do a lot of networking and collabing with others so that your connected with others who have success.         

My Final Words 

If you enjoyed the blog leave a like and share it with somebody. Leave me some feedback with your comments to let me know how I did. Let me know what you liked and what you didn't so I can improve the blog. All your likes and comments are deeply appreciated. They motivate me to write more and better blogs and help me expand and help spread the word. Make sure to follow the blog to stay up to date along with my socials where I post daily content as well. Then there's also my website where you can put in a submission form to let me know what topics you want me to cover along with other things such as referral codes and affiliate links. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

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