Generate Passive Income with these Apps

 Apps that Generate passive income

In todays blog i will be discussing apps that can help us generate passive income easily I use all of these personally so I can confirm they work and are not at all scams. Before we start I want to state I am not sponsored at all by these apps I just write about them because these apps are the best there are on the market for making money. Also all these apps have referral codes that give you and me bonuses so make sure to use them. So without further more lets get into these apps. 

  1.  GeoCash(GWALLET6942069HDWFQS), GeoCash is a app that pays you in Geocoin(A cryptocurrency currently vauled at $0.40 per coin as of 5/26/21) for using your location 24/7 on your phone when ever your on the move you wont get paid so much keeping your phone at home or just sitting at home but you never the less still make something even if you do nothing so far I've made 21 coins from it in a week. 
    Gecash logo

  2. Bigtoken(261V1026M), Bigtoken is personally my favorite it's the one app that pays the most and it's so simple to complete all you have to do is answer yes or no survey questions that only take 10 seconds at most to complete and for each question you earn in the beginning between 3-4 cents with more being earned for the amount of money you have held on your account within a week of installing the app I have racked up a total of $23 dollars
    big token icon

  3. PI(Backwood216), PI is a cryptocurrency that's cloud mined through smartphones and is in development as of right now so it has no worth but they already have plans for a wallet and are planning on getting on exchanges so pretty soon it will have a value. There's also a discord community on the pi discord dedicated to buying things with pi with each pi having a value of $100 from each other. so get to mining it asap
    Pi ad

  4. Bee network(Jack216), bee network has the same concept as pi network and are currently in development and plan on getting on exchanges soon.  
    bee network phone

  5. Cloud earning PHT(aasr7j9m), Is cloud mined like pi and bee but the difference here is that this coin is actually on exchanges so it has value all you have to do on this app is press the mine button once a week and it mines. currently each coin is worth $0.0003706 and I've had it for a week and have mined 350 coins so far
    pht mininig icon

  6. Alpha network(Citedermine) has the same concept as pi and bee but offers more incentives then the other apps with their loot box you can open every 30 minutes. 
    alpha icon
  7. Telephia, Telephia pays you 1 dollar a week just for keeping your location on and leaving the app to run it the background you get a free dollar when you sign up too. simple as that nothing else to it. 
    telephia app icon


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