Is The United states currently in a recession?
Is the United states currently in a recession? In today's article, the topic of discussion is going to be whether or not the united states is currently in a recession. Now I'm sure many of you have heard in the news lately that the United States is experiencing some economic hardships right now. If you live in the U.S then you have first handily experienced this and can attest to this, I know I can. This has led me to believe that we are in a recession despite what the federal government and the white house are saying. I'm going to explain why we are in a recession so without any more needing to be said let's get into today's article. Negative GDP reports As I covered in my last article about the cryptocurrency market The United States has reported yet again another quarter of negative GDP growth. This time coming in at -0.9% with the first quarter losing 1.6%. Bringing the total for negative GDP growth this year so far to -2.5%. The white house has refused to cal...